

What do you do with that spark of inspiration, that burning desire, that…white…heat?

Bamboo As Method 29 Feb 2024

Artist Zheng Bo explores the restorative nature of creating artworks with plants.

The Power of Cute 22 Jan 2024

A video essay unpacking the lure and sinister nature of cuteness.

The Missing Thread 21 Sep 2023

A documentary exploring the untold stories of Black British fashion

Multidisciplinary artist Christine Sun Kim shares insights into her Somerset House residency and practice

Journey with Jenkin van Zyl through his deviant practice and theatrical installations.

O Barco 8 Dec 2022

Experience the striking O Barco / The Boat installation and performance from transdisciplinary artist Grada Kilomba.

Latent Joy 8 Sep 2022

Follow the twists and turns of a live improvisational performance.
