Artist Zheng Bo explores the restorative nature of creating artworks with plants.
What can we learn from nature when we take the time to slow down and reflect? We speak to Zheng Bo about their aim to break down the boundaries between humans and plants, explored through their site specific and participatory installation in Somerset House's courtyard. Zheng Bo invited visitors to temporarily disconnect from their fast-paced, hyper-connected everyday lives by immersing themselves in the biosphere that surrounds us and by taking up the activity of drawing. In this behind the scenes film, the artist reflects on notions of circularity, enlightenment, slowness and the power of being within nature.
I don't make a work alone, I work with plants to grow an artwork
Yvonne Zhang
Filmed at Somerset House and Kew Gardens.
Bamboo As Method, Edmond J. Safra Fountain Court, 22 Feb - 28 Apr 2024.