

The Voice as Resistance

Not Strictly Speaking

Vivienne Griffin and Helen Cammock explore the enduring power of group singing and how it can embody resistance

The Disembodied Voice

Not Strictly Speaking

Prem Sahib and Felicia Atkinson consider the voices that speak on our behalf.

A three-part podcast series exploring different manifestations of the voice, produced in conjunction with Somerset House Studios' Assembly.

Rashaad Newsome shares the futuristic and fantastical ways they celebrate the power of movement and gesture in their work.

The Body

Soft Life

How can the soft body challenge social hierarchies?

Flick Of The Wrist 19 Jun 2023

Rianna Jade Parker unpacks the voguing history and AI context of Newsome's new commission.

Hands Performance

  • Rashaad Newsome

Racially marginalised identities create space through voguing in a digital speculative future

Blistering experimental sound forged from everyday objects, Japanese folklore, and shapeshifting vocals.

SERAFINE1369 24 Feb 2023

Body-focused artist, dancer, and researcher SERAFINE1369 explores systems that shape perceptions of time.
