
13 May 2024

Dis Fig: Live at Assembly

Dis Fig presents a new body of work as part of Assembly 2024, developed with drummer Sam Jones during a three-month residency at Somerset House Studios.

In her first solo London headline performance, Berlin based producer and performer Dis Fig (Felicia Chen) leans on new processes which utilise self-made electro-acoustic instruments and improvisational channelling.

Aiding her in this journey is drummer and producer Sam Jones, taking his influences from jazz, grime and dub to dismantle rhythms and create new skeletal experimentations within the performance. Together, they exercise their individual acrobatics in conversation with one another, speaking their truths in tandem.

Dis Fig will present a further development of this Assembly premiere at CTM Festival in 2025, the material forming the basis of an upcoming full-length release.

Commissioned by Somerset House Studios and Goethe-Institut London in partnership with CTM Festival Berlin.

WARNING: This video contains flashing lights.

About the artist

Film Credits


    Rob Akin


    Wes Gilpin


    Rob Akin


    Harry Murdoch

    Executive Producer:

    Eleanor Ritter Scott