
Charles Jeffrey


Glaswegian designer, illustrator and radical creative.

LOVERBOY is a creative force springing forth from the mind of Charles Jeffrey, who joined Somerset House Studios in 2016, and today his studio is still based in the catacombs of Somerset House.

From humble beginnings in Jeffrey’s East London bedroom, LOVERBOY is now an international fashion powerhouse, carried in over 90 stores across the world, and employing a team of ten full-time staff.

Drawn to the inherent magic in queerness, Jeffrey and his collaborators create fashion dreamscapes, adding new layers to the brand’s story with each passing season. Together they weave the folkloric thread of Scottish history into the rich tapestry of London’s queer nightlife and music scenes.

A radical sensibility informs all of LOVERBOY’s output, and the brand is proudly committed to making clothes that can be worn by anyone, in any conceivable way. With LOVERBOY entering its eighth year, Jeffrey and his team of fashion visionaries are taking this approach to new heights, drawing inspiration from art, music and unconventional sources of queer joy.

Renewed connection to nature, the body and notions of queer wellness are all key creative stimuli in LOVERBOY’s current future-facing phase. The brand will also continue to renew its focus on collaboration through partnerships with artists in residence who act as contributors to the design process.

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